It turns out, no one’s talking about the hardest stuff. The REAL stuff.
Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!
All tagged #thisismyreallife
It turns out, no one’s talking about the hardest stuff. The REAL stuff.
I can’t believe this is my life. It’s messy and hard and ordinary and mostly unplanned. And so ridiculously beautiful.
The Bad Guy is met with lots of eye rolls and huffing and “That’s stupid!!” and “You’re the worst!!” But I’m not too concerned about their immediate happiness because I’m mostly focused on the end game.
Maybe we knock ourselves out trying to give them everything…but then our kid will remember how we lost our temper or rolled our eyes or apparently ‘always’ forgot to bring soccer treats.
God, thank you for this ordinary little life. There is so much to do, yes. I know I’m moving too fast. But I don’t ever want to be too busy or stressed or distracted or overwhelmed that I forget to notice it all as it passes.
Real motherhood is messy, you guys. And hard. And gritty. And exhausting. AND BEAUTIFUL!!! Let’s be sure to share the WHOLE story…
And this year, I’m learning to love the people in my life who carry very different convictions than I do.
Saying ‘I’m tired’ is like saying ‘I’m chilly’ when I’m buried up to my neck in a snowbank wearing my bathing suit while my little black toes begin breaking off one by one.
I let go of other people’s expectations. I let go of comparison and striving. I let go of proving and performing. I let go of the constant need to be ‘perfect.’
Jesus commanded me to love ALL the people. Even especially the people who might seem HARD to love.
What if I finally silenced the lie that no matter what I do, it will never be enough?
I really can’t wait to get back to normal. But I am a little suspicious I don’t want to get back to normal.
I can serve and love and work and pray and give the very best of myself to the task right in front of my face.
Can I just tell the truth?? This is HARD. We are struggling. And it is okay to say so.
Yep. These moments wait for me. Just like He does. So patiently. ALL THIS BEAUTY. Ever at the ready to take my breath away. I only need to look up…and NOTICE.
I noticed how the people with the most painful stories sometimes had the most serene smiles on their faces and how they leapt to help the next person in line.