Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

This is REAL Motherhood

This is REAL Motherhood

Sometimes I think mothers are given the impression motherhood is supposed to be beautiful ALL the time.

Like we should walk around in a permanent state of bliss. Marveling at our beautiful children. In awe of our astoundingly beautiful lives.

‘Awwwwwww. Motherhood is JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!’

But that’s not the whole truth.

That’s not REAL motherhood.

Can I tell you a few things about real motherhood???

Real motherhood is wondering constantly if you’ve made the right decision. Is this right??? Did I make the right choice??? Am I doing ANY of this thing right???

Real motherhood is your four-year-old daughter watching you change out of your workout clothes and saying, “Momma, your belly button is so fat!!”

Real motherhood is missing the Zoom meeting. Again. And attempting not to throw your laptop to the floor.

Deep breaths. Breeeeeaaaaaathe.

Real motherhood is relaxing in the shade while you take in the sight of your children playing at the park. Thinking for a few moments how beautiful it all really is. ‘Oh my gosh, isn’t it going SO fast???’

Then two minutes later cringing as one of your kids run smack into a low-handing bar. Watching with wide eyes as a goose egg protrudes amid fits of hysterical crying.

Aaaaaaaand there it is.

Real motherhood is spending hundreds of dollars at the grocery store then coming home and wondering what the heck you’re going to make for dinner.

Real motherhood is finally deciding on French toast, but two minutes into preparing it, setting off the fire alarm and causing immediate household panic as your ten-year-old begins evacuating siblings and pets.

Real motherhood is regularly saying in an exasperated tone, “Well, did you even CHECK the laundry pile????” and gesturing wildly to the ginormous mound of clean laundry sitting in the soaking sink that will likely NEVER be folded.

Real motherhood is eye rolls and spilled milk and toys everywhere and couch cushion forts and little arms around your neck and sibling squabbles and your children’s contagious laughter.

Real motherhood is wondering at the end of the night whether you’re so unbelievably tired because of your thyroid or, well, LIFE. Is this just my 40’s?? Could it be a brain tumor???

Real motherhood is messy, you guys.

And hard. And gritty. And exhausting.


So yes, we’ll continue to cry a little at our newsfeeds and think, ‘Awwwwwww. Motherhood is just SO BEAUTIFUL!!!’ as we nod. And tag our friends on those beautiful memes.

But you guys…

We also have to TELL THE TRUTH.

We have to share our messy stories, too.

We have to let each other know about REAL motherhood.

Like last night on the phone my friend sighed, “Hey, I’m just sitting in my car for a minute. I’m hoping if I sit here long enough my kids will already be in bed when I go in.”

I told her about my French toast fiasco.

Then we laughed and laughed…

And I thought, “Yep. Now THAT’S real motherhood.”

It’s messy and hard and gritty and exhausting.

And it really is JUST SO BEAUTIFUL, too.

Especially when we share it ALL. And laugh together.

She ended with, “Okay. Gotta go. Better go tuck in my kids before they fall asleep!!”


That’s REAL motherhood.

He Will Forever Be My Baby

He Will Forever Be My Baby

You Are Not Alone, Beloved

You Are Not Alone, Beloved