Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

What If I Emerge...Renewed???

What If I Emerge...Renewed???

What if I wake up every morning and before I step one foot out of bed, I give thanks to God for another day?

What if my only goal is to do the best I can for this ONE day? This ONE moment, even?

What if I let my ‘no’ really mean NO? And my ‘yes’ mean a resounding YES?

What if I let go of ALL the guilt?

What if I finally silenced the lie that no matter what I do, it will never be enough?

What if I eat when I am hungry? Real food?

What if I move my body because I WANT to? Because exercise makes me strong?

What if I decide to love my body because it is MINE? The one and only body God gave me to love my husband and raise my children and carry me through this one life?

What if I stop worrying so much about what I look like and just marvel at all I can do?

What if I smile more? Laugh more? Listen more? Love more?

What if I care less about my clothes or skin or house or stuff or ‘accomplishments?’ And just…LIVE?

What if I read books because I love books? Write words because I love words? Keep the SOCIAL in social media and stop paying attention to any kind of ‘platform?’

What if I stop worrying so much about living a ‘productive’ life and instead focus on living a creative and connected life?

What if I realize once and for all that the best way to serve others is to show up? And be ME?

What if I am grateful for what I have? And comfortable with WHO I ACTUALLY AM???

What if I decide to always make the first move? And do the next right thing?

What if I truly love the Lord my God with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind?

What if I feel peaceful? Content? Satisfied?

What if I emerge…renewed?

And fully ME???

It Begins With Me

Just Sit With Her

Just Sit With Her