My ordinary life is somehow too much while also feeling like it can’t possibly be enough. Shouldn’t my life be bigger? Plus, shouldn’t I be better at it somehow?
Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!
All in Life
My ordinary life is somehow too much while also feeling like it can’t possibly be enough. Shouldn’t my life be bigger? Plus, shouldn’t I be better at it somehow?
Me. Family. Good friends. Connection. Real food. Nature. Pets. Comfortable footwear. Fresh baked bread. My tattered bible while soaking in a warm tub before bed.
The Christmas Story isn’t about twinkly lights or making merry. And it’s not about making Christmas “simple” either. Not really.
Moms, we don’t have to do it all every year. We can pick one or two things, then just be present and soak it in. Turns out, Christmas adds up over time!
If you feel like you are failing your child, I have a story for you (and a little tagline you need to carry with you through motherhood!)
I’m through with unnecessary excuses and apologies and rationalizations for the choices I believe are best for ME. And my family.
If you find yourself thinking, Why can’t we all just get along? Why can’t anyone seem to do the right thing? What the hell is wrong with the world??? Me too. Here’s what we can do.
This is a book for any woman who has reached midlife and wondered, Is this . . . it? I thought it would get easier. I thought I would have more figured out by now. I always thought life would be more beautiful than this.
She carries her children’s joy and sorrow. She carries their goodness and pain. And every night she casts ALL the things she’s carrying off to Jesus as she prays over her children’s souls.
I wish I could say I’m the perfect mother. But…I’m not. Not even close. Day after day I mess up in a million ways, and I'm still the right mom for the job.
In tiny glimpses, it ALL feels like enough. My life. This hard, broken world. My family. Me, even.
Our main job as parents is to help our children navigate life. REAL LIFE. And that means talking to them about the hard stuff.
I’m realizing now as my kids grow up into the unique people they are meant to be, they also grow a little bit AWAY from me. I’m not their center but orbiting somewhere in the periphery. And that’s okay. That’s where I’m SUPPOSED to be. Motherhood isn’t the only thing about me!
More than anything, I want you to know your doctor genuinely cares about you. They want to help you. They truly want to make you well.
We need an un-doing of the rules, of the stories we’ve been told, of the world’s ridiculous expectations, and of the lies we’ve accumulated into overflowing garbage heaps in our minds. We can start with my new book: Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. I can’t wait to share it with you!
I go to therapy. Finally. For years I prescribed all manner of therapy. I encouraged it. Recommended it. Condoned it. Applauded it. But for me? Nah. Until now…
It's okay to switch off the news, turn down the radio, delete a few apps from your phone. It's okay to come up for air.
I’d like to offer an apology on behalf of the medical community for contributing to a deep-seated problem.
OF COURSE, you always intend to exercise and make something healthy-ish for dinner and switch the laundry and respond to those work emails and clean up the kitchen counters and make time for self-care and basically be a productive and functioning person. But then, all too often, life gets in the way.