Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

A Mother is Made to Carry

A Mother is Made to Carry

From the moment a child is placed in her arms, a mother is made to carry.

She carries her baby in one arm (sometimes WHILE latched to a breast) as she cooks dinner or tends to older kids or shoves laundry into the dryer with the other. Then after what feels like five minutes later, she carries that chubby, drooly toddler permanently attached to one hip. It’s amazing what she can accomplish single-handedly (literally)!

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries the mental load of schedules and practices and logins and passwords and emails and teachers’ names and important dates. The house simply wouldn’t run without her. (Though to be honest, she forgets a few things, too!)

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries the exhaustion of midnight tuck-ins and bad dreams and sick tummies and “Mommy, will you snuggle me?” She is her children’s peace and comfort, so she hasn’t slept a full night in YEARS! Yet somehow, she still manages to carry her weary body out of bed the next morning.

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries ALLLLL that gear to soccer games—the chairs, the umbrella, the water bottles, and most importantly, the snacks. I swear, a mother has super-human strength! Oh, and she will carry her littlest boy piggyback for however long he asks her to.

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries the privilege of creating family traditions. And holiday fun. She plays the part of Santa Claus and the tooth fairy and stuffs candy into little plastic eggs hoping to create a magical childhood for her children. Or at least a (mostly) happy one in a house full of love.

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries the responsibility of meal planning and grocery shopping and chore charts and “Does he know how to wash his own laundry?” She knows she’s raising little humans into BIGGER humans. So, can he properly clean a toilet? And has she taught them enough? To be ready?

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries her child’s disappointment if he doesn’t make the team. Or sadness when friends leave her out. She carries the daily decisions of whether to step in and help. Or get out of the way and let LIFE teach a lesson. She carries her children’s joy and sorrow. She carries their goodness and pain. And the uncertainty of “Are they okay?” and “Is this right?” and “Am I a good mother?” weighs constantly on her mind. These are the heaviest and most important parts of motherhood… So, every night she casts ALL the things she’s carrying off to Jesus as she prays over her children’s souls before she lays down to rest.

Because a mother is made to carry.

She carries the memories of their growing-up years. Her babies. Her most precious treasures. And this priceless gift of being their mom. She carries it ALL deep within her heart. Forever. Because from the moment a child is place in her arms…

A mother is made to carry.

***I have a new book for these midlife years of raising teens and navigating transitions and managing our changing hormones. I would love to share it with YOU!

Read the First Chapter of "Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife" Here!

Read the First Chapter of "Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife" Here!

Hormone Imbalance: What Does it Really Mean?

Hormone Imbalance: What Does it Really Mean?