Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Plan To Be Surprised by Your Life!

Plan To Be Surprised by Your Life!

I thought my wedding day was the beginning of happily ever after.

I never imagined tall glasses of rum and coke or drugs hidden in the ceiling beams or trips to visit my husband in rehab.

But sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.

I always pictured myself as this amazing Working Mom. You know, working. AND a mom. Super successful at both.

And I was the breadwinner for a while…until I realized I hadn’t taken a full deep breath for a very long time. And I was drowning in my ‘successful’ life.

Because sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.

I always envisioned Sunday night dinners at my parents’ house and watching my kids grow up alongside their cousins.

Moving 1,000 miles away to Utah wasn’t even on my radar.

But sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.

I always wanted four children. And as a mom to four little boys, I loved matchbox cars and Nerf gun wars and LEGO movies and cheering on the sidelines for out-of-the-park home runs.

I thought we were done having kids. Until my daughter came along.

Because sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.

Do you know how many times my own carefully crafted plans were dashed, and I cried out in despair??

‘Why? Why, God?? What am I supposed to do now???’

But now here I am.

And I LOVE this ordinary life!

My husband is 15 years clean and sober, and every day with this man is my perfectly imperfect happily ever after.

The title ‘Dr. Albertson’ seems way too fancy for the way I spend most of my days…loading dishes and switching laundry from the washer to the dryer and pushing little people on the swings.

Sometimes the sunset over the mountains by our house nearly takes my breath away.

And so many nights the sweet little girl who completes our family slips her arms around my neck at bedtime and whispers, “Momma we’re best friends, right???”

I can’t believe this is my life.

It’s messy. And hard. And ordinary. And unplanned. And so ridiculously beautiful.

So, maybe we can hold it all a little more loosely. And, with faith, let go.

Maybe we can look for the beauty hidden in the painful rubble of our dashed plans. So bittersweet.

And we can just plan…to be surprised.

I’d love to share my new book with you! Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife: A Woman’s Guide to Health in the Body You Actually Have

Preventive Health: When Should You See Your Doctor in Midlife?

Preventive Health: When Should You See Your Doctor in Midlife?

Parenting a Teenager Feels Multiplied 10X

Parenting a Teenager Feels Multiplied 10X