Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Time for a RESET

Time for a RESET

Whelp. Here I am again.

The Blahs.

I think it started innocently enough.

A few late nights (yaaaay! summer!!!), then quite a few mornings sleeping in and missing my morning quiet time, followed by way too many excuses like ‘it’s too hot’ to go for my run, which means several (okay MANY!!!!) days off any sort of routine.

For me, and by default, for my family.

All leading to extra screen time for the kids.

And more scrolling mindlessly on the phone for me.

And too much soda to keep me going in the afternoons.

And too many sugary snacks for the kids.

And fewer sit-down dinners together around our table (because ‘it’s too hot to cook’).

Plus, we’re running around to sports practices in the evenings and tournaments on Saturday, and we haven’t gotten back into a regular church-going routine on Sunday.

Oh, and we’re in the middle of a remodel at our house that is taking waaaaaay longer than we anticipated (so. many. projects!!!!).

And here I am.

Tired. Snippy. Anxious. Irritable.

A little spiritually dry.



Completely discontented.


The hard part is, I’ve been here a MILLION times before.

Right? Haven’t you??

I mean, don’t we know what we need to do to take care of ourselves? And our family??

Don’t all those routines and best practices exist for a reason?

We really are creatures of habit. And aren’t we aware of what makes us feel good and healthy and whole??


Today I’m proposing a reset.

I’m beginning again.

With reasonable bedtimes and my precious early mornings and daily exercise and healthy (-ish) eating and time spent with family and limits to screens and all the rest.

Want to join me???

The Blahs showed up around here, but they’re not here to stay.

Every day is another chance to begin again.

And it’s time for a reset.

Parenting IS Hard

Parenting IS Hard

I Am His

I Am His