Mikala Albertson MD

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This is a Learning Year

This is a learning year…

And this year, I’m learning to love the people in my life who carry very different convictions than I do.


We’re ALL so convicted, aren’t we??

Because of where we came from and how we grew up and all the experiences we’ve gone through over time.

I’m learning I cannot presume to know in what way another person is convicted.

And I’m learning to disguise my shock.

“Wait. What??? THAT’S what you think about all this???”

I’m learning I can’t say (out loud), “But that’s absurd!!!!”

I’m learning to balance a stifled scream at another person’s perceived indifference with the kindest eyes I can muster from behind a mask.

I’m learning to understand at a core level…we don’t have to believe all the same things to be friends. Or at least be civil.

I’m learning it does no good to shout at the news. Not one bit.

I’m learning to roll with the punches. Punches that seem to come one after another after another.

I’m learning about different priorities. Different struggles. Different strengths.

I’m learning to speak as eloquently as I possibly can.

I’m learning to listen as eloquently as I possibly can.

I’m learning to set boundaries.

I’m learning to pray for those who persecute. And for…EVERYONE, really.

I’m learning to speak up.

I’m learning to keep my mouth shut and walk away.

I’m learning a lot about deep breaths.


I’m learning to let go of ALL the things I can’t control. Yet again.

(God keeps giving me that lesson. Again and again and again.)

And I AM learning...

Slowly but surely.

Yep, this is a learning year.