Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Back-To-School is the Real New Year for Moms

Back-To-School is the Real New Year for Moms

Back-To-School is the real New Year for moms.

New teachers, new classes, new routines for our kids.

We gather up the school supplies.

We buy the new clothes.

We spend 1 million dollars on shoes for the family.

Shoes for everyone ALLLLL around!!!

We make appointments for check-ups and send in the immunization forms.

We respond to four million emails.

And (though we always vow not to) we get sucked into Pinterest for dinner ideas thinking, ‘This year I’m going to try a few new meals!’

We fill the white spaces on the calendar with soccer practices and guitar lessons and basketball games.

We attempt to keep it ALL in balance somehow…vowing, ‘This year our family is going to be on a schedule!’

Moms are usually a little excited for a new school year, right?!

(Though, I know, it often comes with a little wave of sadness, too)

We can feel it in the air…

A fresh start.

The real New Year for our kiddos!!!

But not this year.

Not in 2020.

This year is filled with uncertainty.

And I don’t know about you guys…

But I am TIRED.

More tired than I feel every May when I’m sort of over it all already.

What’s for dinner??? I don’t know. Make some toast.

What color jersey for the socially-distanced scrimmage tonight??? I don’t know. Just bring both.


There was an email??

Which paperwork???

I missed an appointment??


What’s the plan for distanced learning again?? Which days???

Does this mean more passwords???

And won’t the plan just change anyway???

You guys…

I guess I’m having trouble getting excited about Back-To-School.

I mostly want to lay down and sleep for a week!!!

But in the middle of all this chaos, I’ve settled on a New Year’s resolution for this school year.


I’m choosing grace.

I’m think we’re ALL going to need it!!!

It’s going to be a rough year…

For moms and teachers and principals and grandmas and secretaries and leaders and, you know, EVERYONE!!!

We are So. Very. Tired.

So, I’m choosing GRACE.

Grace for everyone ALLLLL around!!

Happy New Year!!

God Knows My Heart

God Knows My Heart

This is a Learning Year

This is a Learning Year