Mikala Albertson MD

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Nothing is the BEST Kind of Something

Sometimes my mind keeps me from relaxing.

Sometimes my expectations keep me from ever really resting.

Somehow I believe I should ALWAYS be productive.

And if I’m not being productive, I should be doing something meaningful with the kids…some kind of mom-manicured memory making.


I’ll bet you do this too!!

I’ll bet you get all wrapped up in the quest to DO SOMETHING!!

But moms, let’s stop for a minute and take a good hard look at the kids.


Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. No place anyone needs to be.

You guys.

Can we take a lesson from our kids??

Can we let go of the stressing and striving?

Can we put away those expectations to make everything perfect?

Can we ignore that need to constantly be productive??

Can we just BE???

Be here?

Be still?

Be present?

Be content?

Can we take an afternoon to do nothing?

Because isn’t nothing sometimes the BEST kind of something???