Mikala Albertson MD

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Just Go PLAY!!

I know.

There is always something to do.

The kids holler, “Momma, come swing us!!!”

So, you head outside fully intending to push little bottoms on swings.

But once you get there, you notice a few piles of dog poop in the yard.

And as you dump the poop into the dumpster, you realize the garden needs watering.

You water and pull a few weeds and harvest the ripe baby tomatoes.

Then as you take the tomatoes into the kitchen and set them on the counter, you notice some sticky syrup left over from breakfast.

Oh, and the dishes need unloading.

The garbage should probably go out.

The laundry really needs to be moved from the washer to the dryer before mildew sets in.

Oh, and did you ever make that appointment to get the car in???

Ugh. That reminds you of all those emails you’ve neglected.


Before you know it, an hour has passed.

The kids have long since moved on from the swings.

That sweet moment is gone.

So, guilt sets in.

I know.

Because I’ve been there.

Way too many times.

I’ve missed sweet moments with my kids.

Caught up in busy and lists and all those To Dos.

It’s hard, right???

We’re all just doing the best we can.

And there is SO MUCH TO DO!!

There is always something else to take care of.

I know.

But maybe today…

Just go play.

Let the piles lay.

Leave the counters a little sticky.

I promise, there will be time enough this afternoon when it’s too hot to be outside and the kids will be begging for cartoons.

Maybe today…

Memorize her adorable giggles as drops of water from the hose go flying!!

Watch with wonder when he twists up high then lets go and squeals with delight as he spins!!

Remember how the sun lights up their little faces.

Pay attention to the flowers and the trees and the birds.

Listen for that plane leaving tracks across the sky.

Maybe today…

Laugh and smile with them.

Be present.

Notice it all.

There will always be something to do.

I know.

But they are little today.

And it’s such a little while.

So maybe today, Momma…

Just go PLAY!!