Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

I'm Done with 2020

I'm Done with 2020

I've had it up to HERE!!!

I had to fill out a form the other day, and it asked my son’s birthdate.


The month AND the day AND the year.

It was absurd.

I came up with the month and the day pretty quickly (I mean, his birthday had been two days prior).

But the year???

I just couldn’t think of it.

I could NOT come up with the answer.

I stood there behind my mask for what felt like an eternity.

Whispering to myself.

‘Okay. What year is it?? Oh yeah, right. 2020. And how old is he??? 20 minus 6. Wait!! No, 7. What IS twenty minus 7???’

The woman behind the desk waited. Patiently. Averting her eyes. Probably wondering if I was capable of caring for children. Should she call CPS???

Finally. FINALLY, I got it.



Then the air conditioning in our suburban stopped working.

And my husband had to get stitches in his leg following a mountain biking accident.

Then finally last week I took the kids to the dentist to find out one of them has a cavity.

I just sat in my chair stifling back tears.

Real TEARS…over a cavity.

Because what can be next?????

I guess my point is,

I’m done.

I am waving my white flag.

I would like to come out with my hands up now.


I just can’t take any more.

Not one more thing.

NO MORE, I say!!

Can you hear me 2020????

I have officially had it up to here!!!!

(I never knew what moms meant by this…until now.)

I have reached the point when just ONE MORE THING leaves me fumbling for answers or fighting back tears.

I’m not capable of deciding whether the kids should go back to school.

I can’t make decisions about soccer practice or basketball games.

Orthodontic appointments for SEPTEMBER??? Why are you asking me these hard questions?????

Small things feel like BIG things and big things feel like HUGE things and every single thing just feels SO COMPLETELY GIGANTIC.

It’s all too much!!!

Oh, and don’t even think of asking me about dinner.

I can feel the tears welling already.

I have no earthly idea what we’re having for dinner!!!!!!

I’m done.

Just Go PLAY!!

Just Go PLAY!!

Hey God???

Hey God???