Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

90 Things You Can Do for Better Health and Well-being That Aren’t Social Media

90 Things You Can Do for Better Health and Well-being That Aren’t Social Media

You know how sometimes we want to be healthier and take better care of ourselves so we search up a few ideas on our phone, and we get STUCK there? We end up scrolling and feeling a little hopeless because we’re not doing all the things the influencers say will bring us better health?

Well, I’ve got good news! As a family doctor and women’s health advocate, I can tell you that better health and well-being is easier than we imagine if we just decide to PUT DOWN OUR PHONES and really live our lives. Let’s really care for our precious beautiful bodies—mind, body, and spirit—and learn to nourish them well! Below I’ve included 90 ideas for better health and well-being that aren’t social media. And I bet when you finish reading this list, you could easily sit and write out 90 more!

1.  Walk with your neighbor

2.  Try a new recipe

3.  Read a favorite book

4.  Call your sister

5.  Update your family scrapbook

6.  Paint a picture or your bathroom or an old piece of furniture. Just paint something!

7.  Bake bread

8.  Go for a hike

9.  Work in the garden

10.  Pet your cat

11.  Lift weights

12.  Take a bike ride

13.  Go out for lunch with a friend

14.  Visit the library

15.  Walk through the museum

16.  Plant flowers

17.  Walk your dog

18.  Dance to music around the house

19.  Catch up on laundry

20.  Sign up for a class

21.  Start a new hobby

22.  Schedule your wellness physical

23.  Get a mammogram

24.  Get a colonoscopy

25.  Eat something with fiber

My new book covers everything you need to know about preventive care during midlife!

26.  Listen to a podcast

27.  Write in your journal

28.  Wander through the bookstore or an antique store or your neighborhood. Just wonder and wander around somewhere!

29.  Take a drive

30.  Visit a national park

31.  Plan a vacation

32.  Do yoga

33.  Volunteer at the food pantry

34.  Clean up your yard

35.  Organize a closet

36.  Make jewelry or stained glass or a centerpiece for your table. Just make something!

37.  Cook a fancy meal for your family and eat it on the fine china

38.  Go on a picnic

39.  Get ice cream

40.  Meet a friend for coffee

41.  Deliver a meal to someone who needs it

42.  Pay it forward in the line for coffee

43.  Rake leaves

44.  Go roller skating or swimming or bowling. Just get out and go somewhere!

45.  Sing in the shower

46.  Learn to play an instrument

47.  Play a game of Scrabble

48.  Challenge someone to chess

49.  Deep clean the kitchen

50.  Re-decorate your living room

51.  Take dance classes

52.  Write poetry

53.  Buy tickets to a concert

54.  Watch the ballet

55.  See a movie

56.  Learn to sew new pillow covers

57.  Volunteer at a nursing home

58.  Hold hands with your spouse

59.  Count stars

60.  Ride a roller coaster

61.  Play cards with your kids

62.  Take a nap outside

63.  Go camping with your family

64.  Eat smores

65.  Coach a soccer team

66.  Shoot baskets with your teenager

67.  Blow bubbles for your dog

68.  Volunteer at the animal shelter

69.  Declutter your wardrobe

70.  Try a new hairstyle

71.  Re-stain that old table

72.  Call your dad

73.  Watch an 80’s movie

74.  Drink an orange float with a straw

75.  Bake a cake on a Tuesday

76.  Have sex in the shower or in the closet or even two nights in a row. Just have sex!

77.  Wear cozy socks while drinking hot cocoa

78.  Read in front of the fire

79.  Learn the constellations

80.  Get a tattoo

81.  Try rock climbing

82.  Surprise someone with a gift

83.  Help your neighbor move

84.  Hold a new baby

85.  Offer to babysit for the neighbor kids

86.  Send a card in the mail

87.  Learn a new language

88.  Travel to a new place in your state or to a state you’ve never visited before or out of the country. Just travel!

89.  Write your memoir

90.  Sit still for a while and do nothing at all!

What would you add to this list? Are you ready to put down your phone and try a few? How can YOU nourish yourself today—mind, body, and spirit?

How To Find FUN in Midlife (in between your To Do lists, work demands, emails, the needs of your aging parents and teens, and your general day-to-day stress!)

How To Find FUN in Midlife (in between your To Do lists, work demands, emails, the needs of your aging parents and teens, and your general day-to-day stress!)

Why I Quit Social Media Marketing as a Traditionally Published Author (and what I'm doing instead!)

Why I Quit Social Media Marketing as a Traditionally Published Author (and what I'm doing instead!)