Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Will You Take a Moment...to Notice?

Will You Take a Moment...to Notice?

Have you ever lingered in morning carline for an extra minute so you can watch your kindergartener climb the stairs into school with that giant Star Wars backpack?

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by the sound of your children laughing together in the next room?

Have you ever glanced out the window above the kitchen sink while you scrub scrambled eggs from the skillet and noticed the first shoots of green pushing through the earth?

Have you ever shoved wet laundry from the washer into the dryer and been absolutely overcome by the realization this is EXACTLY the job you always wanted?

Have you ever watched the expression on your older child’s face and realized his smile and the way he moves his hands while he talks or runs his fingers through is hair is EXACTLY the same as when he was just a little boy?

Have you ever stirred a giant pot of spaghetti at the stove as your husband bursts in the door from work to kids shouting, “Daddy’s home!!!”?

Have you ever listened intently to the recounting of your child’s day or stood shivering in the cold just so he can demonstrate his latest basketball dunking skills on the lower hoop?

Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night by a little blond head next to your bed and the sweetest voice whispering, “Momma?? Can you come snuggle me?”

Have you ever gone about the work of a good, hard, ordinary life and believed it is ENOUGH?

Have you ever really realized?

That THIS messy, chaotic, lovely little life right before your eyes is filled with the most beautiful ordinary moments exactly as it is?

It’s breathtaking, really.

Will you look up? Will you take a moment right now…to notice???

Only Three More...

Only Three More...

I'm Chosen...and That's All I Need to Know

I'm Chosen...and That's All I Need to Know