Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

They WILL Eat!

They WILL Eat!

Listen, mommas…

One day not long from now, you’ll put some hamburgers on the grill and serve them up with watermelon and strawberries and allllllll the fixins.’

Things like tomatoes and onions and hot jalepeno pickles and Havarti cheese and banana peppers and chipotle spreads.

Your kids will gather around and prepare their own plates and throw all those delicious, strong-flavored fixins’ on top of their burgers and everyone will sit around the table…

And EAT.

They’ll laugh and talk and bicker and one-up each other and tease and laugh some more.

And you won’t have to tell a SINGLE person to keep eating. Or take another bite. Or ‘just try’ it.

You won’t have to make ANY threats about missing dessert.

Your growing family of suddenly much bigger kids will sit. And eat. And seemingly delight in one another.

And you’re going to LOVE it so much!

I mean, we’ve all heard from the beginning we’re supposed to enjoy every moment, right???

And it goes so fast.

And we definitely shouldn’t blink.

But then we do!

Trust me, you’ll blink. And your kids will grow. And maybe sometimes you’ll wonder where the time went.

But then sometimes you’ll look around at all these amazing people at dinner beside you…

And you’ll realize you REALLY DID cherish it all.

You still do, in fact!

And you’re so unbelievably blessed to have been there for ALL of it! The chubby toddler legs and toothless grins and nervous first days of school and soccer tournaments and bedtime books and pierced ears and learning to drive.

We may miss the moments that are gone, sure. But we can always love the moments that are RIGHT HERE.

And one day you’ll realize ALL those beautiful moments are wrapped up and packed together in this crazy, amazing family sitting around the table eating dinner.

(Yes, ACTUALLY eating.)

Now with allllll the fixins.’

Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters

I'm a GOOD Mom Who is HUMAN

I'm a GOOD Mom Who is HUMAN