Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

They Are Worth the Climb

They Are Worth the Climb

If parenting were a mountain climbing expedition, I’m past the part where I’m excited and in awe of the experience…stopping to marvel at the wildflowers every few steps and smelling all the evergreens.

Life is getting crazy. And complicated.

These days, I’m beginning to notice the blisters on my feet. I’ve noticed I’m running out of water and instead of looking at the scenery every single second, I’ve got my eyes open for First Aid stations or the Gondola because I’m not sure I’m going to make it.

I’m realizing I can’t do it all.

I’m realizing I can’t be everything to everybody.

I’m learning a lot about grace.

And the higher I climb along this Parenting Summit the more I’m learning to let go of the ‘perfect parenting’ I initially envisioned.

Because when I squint at the path up ahead, I can only see steeper terrain and rockier paths.

I’m talking high school and driving and first jobs and dating and ACT exams and college and moving out and…I don’t even want to IMAGINE what else.

I’m beginning to wonder how high this mountain is?

Does the climb ever stop?

Because even after they move out, won’t I still worry??

Won’t there still be rocks to scramble over?? Mountains to move??

Forget about busy Saturdays, my grown kids will be navigating bills and marriage and careers and parenting…and anything else life throws in their path.

When I look at the WHOLE mountain it is easy to feel overwhelmed!!

So I just have to look at my feet. Exactly where I am.

I have to listen to that crunching sound of the dirt under my shoes.

I have to throw ‘perfection’ right out of my pack. It’s too heavy to carry.

I have to stop to rest every now and then. Feet planted firmly on the path.

I have to hand some things over to my children so they can learn to shoulder their own load.

I have to notice when the clouds part a little so I can take in the view from where I am RIGHT NOW. Higher than ever before. Gosh, it’s so incredibly beautiful I almost can’t catch my breath.

Sure, I mess up and miss things and forget things.

Sure, sometimes we’re waaaay too busy and I wonder how we’ll ever keep up.

Sure, I’m exhausted and sometimes we eat cereal for dinner five straight days in a row.

But, you know what??

THIS is motherhood.

And they are so worth the climb.

It is ALL Temporary

It is ALL Temporary

These ARE the Good Old Days

These ARE the Good Old Days