Summer Roadtrip Oath
Ready to take the Summer Road Trip Oath???
Just raise your right hand and repeat after me…
I WILL do my best to pack swimsuits and underwear and pull-ups and movies and sunscreen and snacks and everything else a family might need for a week. And when I inevitably forget something, I will drive to Target, buy it, and let it go.
I WILL remember there are A LOT of people packed into this car. So, of course, someone is tired or hungry or bored or cranky. And, of course, someone has to go pee. I will let go of making ‘good time.’ We'll get there when we get there!
I WILL be patient. With my kids. With my husband. With myself.
I WILL be kind. To my kids. To my husband. To myself.
I WILL pray. A LOT.
I WILL schedule a few fun activities but do my best to remember everyone is off their normal schedule. So when it inevitably goes awry, I will loosen my grip. We might skip a few things...and that's okay.
I WILL keep my expectations LOW.
I WILL remember to find a quiet moment to myself every single day even if only for a quick half an is vacation after all!
I WILL breathe.
I WILL relax.
I WILL remember this our Family Vacation for another one of those precious 18 summers.
I WILL do my best to soak in this time with my kids and enjoy what I can. After all, I’m pretty sure it's the GOOD memories that stick.
Now, come on!! Here we go!!
Let's hit the road!!