Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Summer Roadtrip Oath

Summer Roadtrip Oath

Ready to take the Summer Road Trip Oath???

Just raise your right hand and repeat after me…

I WILL do my best to pack swimsuits and underwear and pull-ups and movies and sunscreen and snacks and everything else a family might need for a week. And when I inevitably forget something, I will drive to Target, buy it, and let it go.

I WILL remember there are A LOT of people packed into this car. So, of course, someone is tired or hungry or bored or cranky. And, of course, someone has to go pee. I will let go of making ‘good time.’ We'll get there when we get there!

I WILL be patient. With my kids. With my husband. With myself.

I WILL be kind. To my kids. To my husband. To myself.

I WILL pray. A LOT.

I WILL schedule a few fun activities but do my best to remember everyone is off their normal schedule. So when it inevitably goes awry, I will loosen my grip. We might skip a few things...and that's okay.

I WILL keep my expectations LOW.

I WILL remember to find a quiet moment to myself every single day even if only for a quick half an hour...it is vacation after all!

I WILL breathe.

I WILL relax.

I WILL remember this our Family Vacation for another one of those precious 18 summers.

I WILL do my best to soak in this time with my kids and enjoy what I can. After all, I’m pretty sure it's the GOOD memories that stick.

Now, come on!! Here we go!!

Let's hit the road!!

What If I Am Ordinary???

What If I Am Ordinary???

What if I ALWAYS Got What I Wanted?

What if I ALWAYS Got What I Wanted?