Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

My Minimalism...

My Minimalism...

I’ve been reading some on minimalism and trying to focus on a simple life…funny, I know.  I mean with five kids, two cats, and a crazy dog is minimalism even an option?

Lizzy hasn’t been an easy baby and I’m tired.  Luke is what I imagine it might be like to raise a wolverine cub.  James is the most emotionally labile person I’ve ever known.  Isaiah is entering adolescence and periodically has these testosterone surges.  And all five of them have an amazing activity level.

I think five has been my tipping point.  Before I had sort of a handle on things.  Some balance.  But now I’m working harder to achieve that…and have I mentioned, I’m tired?

Dan routinely works until eight or nine at night.  And three boys play two sports each…competition basketball for Isaiah and competition soccer for both James and Eli as well as recreation league baseball for everyone.  We have more than 17 commitments scheduled this week for sports alone!

But I don’t want to race through.  I don’t want to survive our days.  I crave simple and slow.  And every day I must set (and reset) my mind on that.  On being slow enough.  On being present.  On contentment exactly where I am right now.  On living a simple life…or the simplest life I can!

So I’m saying a big fat NO to working right now.  After 12 years of education and training and with still $100,000 in debt I’m staying home with my kids.

I’m saying no to volunteering at school (or anywhere else for now).  We didn’t even go to the big school fundraiser auction this year.

I’m saying no to half-marathons and working out in general.  I’m saying no to the perfect body or hair or clothes or house or kids.  I’m saying no to worrying about what other people think.  I’m saying no to social media.

And saying no means that I can say yes to SO MUCH ELSE!!!

Yes to driving the kids to school in my pajamas.  Yes to simple mornings at home…dishes, laundry, fixing beds, books, play-doh, and swinging.  Yes to slow walks with Luke on his little red car, Lizzy kicking her legs in the stroller, and Fern our dog alongside.

I’m saying yes to five minute hair and make-up with the same five or six T-shirts and jeans or workout pants.  Yes to hand-me-downs on the kids and mismatched clothes because Luke dresses himself.

Yes to banana muffins and backyard bubbles.  Yes to bug collections and impromptu stops at the pet store.  Yes to staying up way too late reading Harry Potter with Eli.

Yes to U tube videos of snakes and Bob’s Burgers episodes and watching old movies like Tommy Boy.

Yes to watching my boys play sports just for fun.  And yes to a basketball game in the middle of my living room!

I just want to notice it all.  Appreciate the little things.  And love them…my husband and my five littles while they are still little.  It will be just five short years before Lizzy will be in school and Isaiah off to college.

So I’m saying yes to today…to simple (as much as we can be!).  Not a destination but a mindset I must look for (and pray for) every day.

This is minimalism for me.

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I'm a Boy Mom...