Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Let's Show Them What LOVE Is...

Let's Show Them What LOVE Is...

Not one minute of this week was all that special or glamorous.

My actions went mostly unnoticed and overwhelmingly underappreciated.

I didn’t make a single penny.

Just good, hard work in the middle of this ordinary life.

School drop-off and play-doh and Barbies and laundry and soccer practice and dinners together and time outs and tantrums and bath time and bedtime books and the nightly pick-up of ALL the things.

This is the stuff of everyday life.

Real life.

And it matters.

It all counts.

And I know you are doing it too!!

Moms, we ALL are.

You know what I think??

Our kids need to see us doing this boring, mundane, sometimes thankless and ordinary work.

They need to see us care for others and serve.

They need to see when we try and fail and stumble and fall.

They need to see us get it wrong sometimes and mess up and lose our tempers then ask forgiveness and get back up and try again.

They need to see how we slog onward and push through. How every single day we just keep showing up!!

Because this, my friends, is LOVE.

I am teaching my children how to love and be loved…

And so are you!!

Keep up the GOOD WORK.



Let's Give Our Kids the Chance To Fail!!

Let's Give Our Kids the Chance To Fail!!