Mikala Albertson MD

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I'm Chosen...and That's All I Need to Know

Can I tell you the truth?

I’ve been a so-called Christian my whole life, but I’m just coming to know what it really means.

A few years ago, I started reading the bible.

Really reading.

I had heard it all before in bits and pieces…I just hadn’t really realized it applied to ME.

Isn’t that amazing??? He means ME!!

Now I read a verse sometimes and think, ‘Wow. There’s some really great stuff in here! It’s almost like a How-To guide to life. Who knew?’

I feel so late to the party.

And I never intended to write about it.

Sometimes I feel totally unqualified to share the gospel.

I feel like a beginner. A newbie. An infant in my faith.

I am exactly like those people who were all, ‘Oh hey, Jesus! When did you get here?’ in John 6.

But it feels like I’ve woken up for the very first time.

I finally realize, He was with me ALL ALONG.

And I was never ever EVER alone one single day in my life.

Beloved. Every single second.

It makes me want to talk about it.

About Him.

It makes me want to be a good person. Do good works just to bring praise and glory to God.

I know I have so much to learn.

I probably still get it wrong half the time.

I mess up a lot.

I sin.

I’m sure I misinterpret verses.

I struggle with a shaky faith.

But part of me believes that doesn’t matter much because I will always keep trying.

Keep showing up.

Keep learning.

Keep repenting.

Keep serving.

Keep raising my hand.

Keep accepting His ridiculous grace.

My heart is His.


I’m chosen…and that’s all I need to know.

I guess my point in telling you this is, I’m 40.

He waited a looooong time.

For ME.

And it’s never too late.


He’s waiting.

He chose you too, Beloved.

You don’t have to have a ‘perfect’ faith to give Him every piece of your heart…

And follow Him.