Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

I Choose LOVE

I Choose LOVE

Yesterday a friend of mine posted a rant on social media.

I felt EXACTLY the opposite.

I thought what she said sounded selfish and closed-minded. But I didn’t comment or leave an angry-faced emoji. I just put my phone down. And walked away outside to enjoy the sunshine.

See. My friend and I??? We have different points of view. Different experiences. Differing opinions.

I love her regardless. And I value our friendship.

So, I gently reminded myself (for perhaps the thousandth time) that this is the year when I’m learning to love people who have very different convictions than me.

Outside I threw the ball for my first grader. He whacked the whiffle ball so hard it broke in half as it zoomed across the yard. I’ll never forget how excited he was. How he cheered. How he turned to me and said, “This is a fun day!!! Isn’t it mom?”

Later I took my daughter for a walk. She whizzed ahead on her scooter while I strolled along behind. And every once in a while, she threw the scooter to the ground so she could examine something. A pinecone. A spider. Once she pushed her face so close to a praying mantis, I thought it might pinch her nose. She laughed as it scurried across the sidewalk away from her little prodding finger.

The big boys went to basketball in the evening. I didn’t get to watch any of their games because of limitations on spectators. But at home I threw a handful of M&M’s into my mouth and settled into the couch for some Home shows on TV.

My point is, when I get all caught up in The World my anxiety nearly overtakes me. I get angry and scared and this sadness creeps in. It feels like everything about this year has been awful.

But when I walk away. Outside. Back to my family and the ordinary life right in front of my face…I remember nothing is ALL awful. There is goodness here, too. And I’m so grateful for small pleasures.

These next few days I’m going to walk away. A lot. I’m going to get outside to breathe and feel the sun on my face. Laugh with my kids and memorize their little voices and excited faces. Eat some Halloween treats and watch mindless TV. Stay off of social media. Pray a lot. And remember to be grateful. And kind.

I can’t control the outcome of things.

But I can choose to LOVE…

Even those who have very different convictions than me.

We WILL Get Through This Storm

We WILL Get Through This Storm

I Love Watching You Play

I Love Watching You Play