Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

How To Get Your Teen To Do the Dishes

How To Get Your Teen To Do the Dishes

One thing you must learn right away when parenting teenagers is how to stifle a snort-laugh.

Take for example a teenager who has been laying on the couch with his phone for most of an entire weekend morning.

When you ask him politely to please empty the dishwasher so you can load the breakfast dishes, and he sighs and groans loudly then throws his phone down on the couch proclaiming, “When am I EVER going to get a break????”

Please do not snort-laugh.

I know you want to.

I know you want to list off the forty thousand things you’ve already accomplished with your day since 6AM.

Things like a trip to the store, feeding breakfast to small hungry children, switching laundry, running three miles, attending to emails, showering, texting a sister and a friend, picking up the millions of throw pillows and blankets that NEVER manage to stay on the couch, feeding the cat….well, you get the point.

The problem is, when you list these things off or when you accidentally snort-laugh really loudly…

Your teenager will somehow get the impression that you don’t see all the work he’s doing around here. Maybe you don’t value his contribution. Maybe (just maybe) you are smirking a little.

And, you know, I’ve learned the hard way these types of responses aren’t well-received by a teenager.

So, instead pause.

Next, I’d recommend a deep breath. And...maybe another.

Then repeat a phrase like this one, “Oh, I know honey. Ugh. There’s always something to do, right?? I sure do appreciate your help around here.”

(It helps to practice up in the mirror beforehand)

So, just to review.

1. Ask your teenager to help with the dishes (or whatever task you need them to do).

2. Stifle your snort laugh.

3. Avoid ticking off everything YOU do.

4. Repeat your practiced phrase.

Then turn and walk right out of the room. Just walk away!! And when you come back and the dishes are done, give a ‘thank you’ and keep moving.

Teenagers, man. They’re hard. And you DEFINITELY need to know how to laugh.

Just not the snort-laugh variety!!!

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