Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

The "Girl Next Door" Makes a Wonderful Friend in Midlife

The "Girl Next Door" Makes a Wonderful Friend in Midlife

I’ve never been the life of the party. I’m more like the girl next door.

I’m the eternal sidekick. A wing-woman.

I was the girl at the bar during college who the boys might talk to, but they usually said, “Hey, why are you so quiet? Smile! Aren’t you having fun?”

Because I WAS quiet. And dependable. Reliable. Practical. Responsible. Safe.

Fast forward a few years, and not much has changed.

If dinner is at 7, you better tell me 7:30 because I’m chronically, ridiculously on time (and by that, I mean 15 minutes early!). If you’re sick, I’ll bring you dinner. If you had surgery, I’ll send a care package in the mail.

Another soccer mom recently introduced me to her sister as her ‘village’ because I spend evenings helping get the kids to practice and whole Saturdays driving kids around. I love it!

What’s funny is, I’ve spent my life standing beside the life of the party. Waiting for her fun invitations. Being that friend who is always on board.

And I used to wonder why I couldn’t be more like her?

More loud. More confident. More out there. More sure. More center of the room.

But as I’ve grown older and my deepest relationships remain, I realize what the girl next door brings to the friendship.

A good listening ear. Thoughtful responses. A loyal presence. My caring heart. A reliable helping hand.

And I’m learning to appreciate the way I’m built.

Who I just…AM.

I’m a great friend, actually!

And though I will never be the life of the party, you can be sure I’ll stick around when the party’s over to help you clean up the mess.

How To Get Your Teen To Do the Dishes

How To Get Your Teen To Do the Dishes

Feeling Anxious? It Could Be Something More.

Feeling Anxious? It Could Be Something More.