Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

We Really Will Miss This

We Really Will Miss This

Once upon a time my days looked like this…

“Hey, kids. We’re going for a walk!”

And everyone cheered, “Yaaaaay!!!”

Or “Hey, kids. We’re having pizza for dinner and watching this Disney movie for Movie Night!”

And everyone cheered, “Yaaaaaay!!!”

Or “Hey, kids. Lunch is ready!”

And everyone scrambled up to the table and ate their little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Gosh, I used to be so cool!


And everyone wanted to sit next to me…ALL THE TIME!!!

But now???

Every single proclamation from me is met with complaints and eye rolls and “Ugh. Mom, a Disney movie?” and audible sighs.

Who knew all those sticky hands and toddler meltdowns would seem easier once I had older kids?

Who knew I could be so…lame?


I was warned by quite a few well-meaning older ladies.

But I didn’t believe them.

Now I AM a well-meaning older lady!!


Here’s what I’m trying to say…

I know you’re tired, Momma.

I know you’re worn out and sick of picking toys up off the floor and constantly feeling underappreciated and counting down the minutes to bedtime and also just wondering if that wet spot on the floor over there is water or pee.

But please.


Enjoy what you can!!!

I know it can’t be EVERY moment.

I know.

But I think we’ve all got to soak in whatever crazy, chaotic moment life has thrown at us today.


Because now I understand with absolute certainty…

We really will miss this.

Hey God???

Hey God???

Be YOU, Sweetheart

Be YOU, Sweetheart