Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

We Can Hand it All to Him

Why is it when something bad happens we allow it to take over our lives??

Every day we hoist it up, knees trembling under the weight of our heavy load.

Backs aching as we attempt to carry our boulder of problems wherever we go.

But then when something wonderful happens.

Maybe the one thing we cried our eyes out over as we pleaded…

‘Please, God. Just this ONE thing. It’s all I’ll ever need.’

When He answers our prayers, we turn it over like a smooth little stone over in our hands a few times.

Slip it into our pocket (or even throw it in the bottom of our purse with the old gum wrappers).

And promptly FORGET.

We move on to the next thing.

A new problem.

Our next boulder.

Over and over and over we get all caught up in life’s pain.

Consumed by how far we have yet to go.

And sometimes we lose sight of our blessings.

We forget about all the answered prayers we’ve already been blessed with…

We stumble around under the crushing weight of our current problems.

Crying out, ‘But what about THIS God?’

Forgetting to be grateful.

Attempting to do it all on our own.

The truth is, God doesn’t mind.

He knows from the beginning this is exactly how it will go.

He understands how selfish and stubborn and ungrateful humans can be.



And every day He waits patiently with His hand outstretched.

Always merciful.

Just hoping to lighten our load.

Wanting only for us to turn…and hand it all to Him.

Waiting to carry our boulders…

Like a grain of sand in His hand.

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What if I Hit Pause?

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