Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

They Are Paying Attention

They Are Paying Attention

Like millions of other moms across the nation I hauled all the dusty boxes from the garage into the living room this morning so we could put up the Christmas tree…all together as a family.

Yes, two kids were more interested in watching football.

And two more were more interested in the fresh snow on our yard.

But I did it anyway.

I put up the tree and adjusted the squashed branches and added all the lights and garland.

Then the ornament fiasco ensued.

It was crazy and noisy and chaotic and most of the ornaments are clustered around six-year-old eye level and everyone bickered and bothered each other while I attempted to move the ladder around without bumping anyone in the head so I could hang a few near the top…

But, we’re done.

Over lunch today my kindergartener ate his sandwich with his eyes glued to the tree then said in his sweet little voice, “Mom, it’s so beeeauuutiful I think I’m going to cry! My eyes are getting wet!”

And I’m reminded why we do it.

I’m reminded why year after year we drag out the boxes and put out all the stuff and vacuum up those little green artificial needles and dust the mantel (for once) and hang all their little stockings in a row.

They notice, you guys.

They are paying attention.

They love it all.

And these little moments (however crazy and chaotic) are the memories of their little childhood.

They’ll think back on Christmases at home and remember fresh snow and football on TV and hanging all the ornaments and their Mom ooohhing and aaahhhing over all the homemade ones with their sweet little pictures of years past.

It matters, you guys.

And even though I’m hot and sweating and the house is a mess and the tree looks like its typical random hodge-podge that lilts a little to the left…

It really is SO BEAUTIFUL I think I’m going to cry.

In fact, my eyes are getting a little wet!!

That's My Boy!

That's My Boy!

Does saying 'No' mean I'm a bad mom??

Does saying 'No' mean I'm a bad mom??