Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

The Middle Child Has a Special Place

The Middle Child Has a Special Place

I wonder if you feel how squished you are? Smack in the middle of five kids?

I know those big brothers constantly tease you.

And they take up A LOT of my time, too.

With all their bickering and bad attitudes and eye rolls and heavy sighs and dirty clothes on the floor and pushing EVERY SINGLE LIMIT AT ALL TIMES.

That has to be so frustruating.

And I know your little siblings constantly bother you.

They take up A LOT of my time, too. Don’t they?

With all their whining and tantrums and requests for snacks or help in the bathroom or pushes on the swing and constantly asking me to play.


I know.

Sometimes I get to the end of the day and fall asleep thinking…what about YOU?

Did I give YOU enough?

My old soul.

My peacemaker.

My independent, capable one.

My middle child.

I see it all, you know.

I’m watching you, too!

Marveling, really.

And I want you to know…

You might be quiet,

But I LOVE listening to your stories.

Every single one.

About Harry Potter or all the potatoes you planted with Dad or the workout challenge you are attempting or the ‘best load-outs ever’ on Fortnite.

You might try to fly under the radar,

But I notice everything you do.

Every single thing.

How you play with your little siblings or walk the dog or do your chores without my request or keep right up with your big brothers on the basketball court.

Sometimes I worry you may feel a little forgotten.

You’re so squished right smack in the middle of five kids.

But then I watch you for a while,

And I realize God put you exactly where you are for a reason.


And I hope every day you’ll remember, my dear middle boy…

You will always, always, always have a special place right in the MIDDLE of my heart.

We're Not Powerless After All

We're Not Powerless After All

Life Doesn't Go As Planned

Life Doesn't Go As Planned