The Key To Raising Teens Is...Let Them Struggle
Hey moms??
It’s OKAY for our kids to struggle sometimes.
It’s okay for them to feel bored or sad or lonely or hurt. And it’s okay if they are left out at school or don’t make the grade or aren't the best on the team. Because I’m guessing one day when our kids grow up, they’ll have moments when they struggle.
Or fall.
Or fail.
There will come a day when they won’t land the job. Or they can’t get the date. Or they'll be faced with one of life’s true tragedies.
We can be certain one day our kids will have their fair share of pain because life is FULL of pain, isn’t it??
No one is immune.
So, if we prevent every fall NOW. If we cushion every blow NOW. If we arrange all the pieces just so NOW. Won’t our kids be shocked one day by life’s inevitable pain???
And I know, I KNOW it hurts.
As moms we want nothing more than to see our kids succeed and be happy. We long for our babies to achieve their dreams and find their purpose. And it feels like when they fall or fail…WE have failed.
But that simply isn’t true.
Because really???
When we allow our kids to struggle sometimes, we are giving them a gift…
The gift of RESILIENCE.
We cheer for them. We provide all the tools. We give support and offer help. We keep them safe. We pray for them. We hold them when they fall. Yes.
But we can’t fix up a Perfect Little Life for them.
We HAVE to let them struggle. And allow them to find their own way through.
So rather than perfect top-of-the-class kids. Or superstar best-on-the-team kids. Or popular always-fit-in kids. Or never faltered-or-failed kids…
Let’s strive to raise RESILIENT kids!!
Kids who know exactly what to do when life shoves them to the ground. Kids who aren’t afraid to try…and fail. Kids who understand no matter what happens, they’ve got what it takes to stand back up and try again. And kids who KNOW their mom is cheering for them every step of the way!