Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

The BEST News Ever!!

The BEST News Ever!!

I have a tendency to…PROVE.

Prove I’m enough. Prove I’m a good mom. Prove I’m fine.

No, really, I’m FINE!!!

And nothing brings out my tendency to PROVE like having out-of-town guests stay in my messy, ordinary life.

My REAL life.

With dirty floors and dingy towels and tattered carpeting and a naughty dog and reminders of boys using the bathroom and the very REAL interactions of seven people all living under one roof together.


Suddenly I’m acutely aware of the eight boxes of sugary cereal lining my pantry shelves.

Suddenly all I hear from my children are repeated requests to play video games…interspersed with bickering and backtalk, of course.

Suddenly every comment about so and so’s son who took first in state wrestling or Aunt Karen who homeschools her children (“and she has SIX!”) feels like a tiny dagger chiseling away at my parenting skills.

Suddenly I want to grab my husband by the shoulders and shout, “What is the matter with us?? What are we doing wrong?? We couldn’t handle the first two, then we had another and another and another. Now we are raising a whole herd of ill-mannered, feral children!! Not a single one of them plays the guitar!! And why did I forget to water the front porch flowers? Have you seen them? What are we going to do??”

But then this gentle little reminder pops into my brain.

God knows what He is doing.

He always has!

He knew from the beginning EXACTLY what my weaknesses would be.

He hand-picked EVERY gift and talent.

He knew from the first moment He placed those gentle little bundles in my arms and proclaimed me a mom EXACTLY where I would fall short.

And He has never left me alone.

I don’t have to walk around ‘proving’ I’m enough because He does it all WITH ME.

He says I’m enough!!!

Isn’t that amazing???

I’m an imperfect human raising a bunch of other imperfect humans with my Heavenly Father right by my side.

He fills in all the gaps.

He is strong where I am weak.

Thank GOD!!

I am free to just do my best.

I am free enjoy my children and our house guests in our messy, ordinary home.

I am free to be a mom (a pretty good mom, actually).

I am free to breathe.

God has a plan for imperfect little me and my whole herd of imperfect children right in the middle of a perfectly ordinary life.

So, the next time company comes to stay and tells me all about so and so’s daughter, the elite track star…

I can gather everyone up to the table and pour a bowl of our sugary cereal and propose a toast (cinnamon TOAST crunch, that is).

I can just cheer!!!!

God is writing a beautiful, messy, extra-ordinary story PERFECTLY suited for each and every one of us.

Isn’t it the best news ever???

We don’t have a single thing to prove.

Grateful Life

Grateful Life

What If I Am Ordinary???

What If I Am Ordinary???