Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Some Things Are Certain

Some Things Are Certain

When what you really, really need is to feel the unending love of an all-powerful God…

Just spend some time embracing the beautiful ordinariness of everyday life.

The constant.

The simple.

The known.

Some things are CERTAIN.

Stop to notice the sunrise.

Notice the leaves blowing down the street or the beauty of a chilly morning warning of snow.

Pay attention to the sound of the rain and wipers against your windshield or your child’s infectious laugh. And try to memorize the way her eyes crinkle at the edges (just like yours).

Notice the smell of oatmeal in the morning or the comfort of your favorite sweatshirt sliding over your head.

Go for a walk and FEEL your feet hitting the pavement. Listen to the thud, thud, thud sound. And how it corresponds with every step. Lift your nose and smell the wet earth.

Then later while you’re making dinner, plant your feet flat on the floor in the kitchen as you chop onions. Listen to the slicing sound and let the aroma hit your nose before you toss it into the pan. If your mind starts to wander away to the news or what that one relative said or what might happen this week…bring your mind back. To dinner. This onion. This pan. And every single motion as you cook.

BE PRESENT right where you are.

Notice the simple, ordinary moments of your life.

There is LIFE all around you.

And those things are CERTAIN.

Sure, the sunset might look a little different from day to day. It might come at slightly different times. Some days it might be a simple pink. And some days a show-stopper might light up every cloud in the sky.

Either way…the sunset WILL come.

Some things are CERTAIN.

This week, I think paying attention is the only way through.

Be present.

Here. In the ordinary.

On purpose.

That’s where you’ll feel God’s presence. His power. His unending love.

Because really, some things are CERTAIN.

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

We WILL Get Through This Storm

We WILL Get Through This Storm