Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Parenting is a HARD Job

Parenting is a HARD Job

Parenting isn’t hard because you’re doing it wrong. It’s hard because raising little humans into responsible people is hard.

It’s a HARD job!!

You can tell them and show them and teach them and train them up…

And your kids will STILL get it wrong sometimes.

They will fail and flounder.

They will tell a lie or give a snarky reply or be unkind to the neighbor kid.

Kids will make a million mistakes along the way.

Not because they’re bad kids…but because they’re human.

Remember all those mistakes YOU made along the way???

Your kids will do that, too. (Ugh. I know. I’m cringing.)

And no matter what your parents say or what your neighbor says or how that sweet little old lady from church shakes her head or what the snarky random stranger on your Facebook feed writes…

You are NOT what is wrong with the world today.

And your kids??? They aren’t either.

That mistake he made? The lie she told? That bad report from the teacher? Their poor choices?

It does NOT mean they’re bad kids.

And, trust me, it doesn’t mean you are a bad mom either.

I know. I know.

You aren’t raising them to behave like this.

You are raising them to be kind.

And truthful.

And respectful.

People with integrity!!

I know.

But remember, your kids are still learning.

Always learning!!

So, hand out a consequence or two. Take away a privilege. Tell them when you are disappointed. And explain your expectations for next time.

Maybe get out of the way and let them learn the hard way when life’s repercussions slap them right in the face.

Then watch with pride as your children grow up to be amazing humans (eventually)…kind, truthful, respectful, filled with integrity.

I know it feels like you’re failing sometimes.

I know you can’t believe some of their poor choices.

Just keep going. Show up anyway. Love them fiercely. Lead the way.

Even when it’s HARD.

Parenting isn’t hard because you’re doing it wrong. It’s hard because raising little humans into responsible people is hard.


And I promise your kids are learning…

One mistake at a time.

I LOVE Watching Them Grow

I LOVE Watching Them Grow

It is ALL Temporary

It is ALL Temporary