Mikala Albertson MD

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Just Sit With Her

This morning I couldn’t find my daughter for a few minutes.

I called up the stairs.


I asked her brothers, “You guys, has anyone seen Lizzy?”

Then I heard her little voice calling out from what sounded like far away.

“I’m right here.”

I found her sitting on the steps in the garage.

“What are you doing out here, honey?”

“I was waving goodbye to Daddy. Now I’m just sad.”

I tried not to smile.

“Ohhhh. I’m sorry you are feeling sad. Is there anything I can do? You wanna come get breakfast?”

She just looked down at her toes.

“No. Not yet. Can you just sit with me, Mama? While I’m sad?”

So, I did.

I sat on the steps in the dim light of the garage until she was ready to go inside.

And I thought about how much I learn from this child.

Today’s lesson…

When someone is sad, don’t try to fix it. Or rush it. Don’t gloss over it. Or pretend it away.

Just sit with her…

In the middle of her sadness.

Until she’s ready to move on and come inside for oatmeal.

I’d love to share my book with you! Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife