Mikala Albertson MD

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Heart To Heart

Tonight on my walk, I had a little heart to heart with God.

I felt sad. And anxious. And stressed about life. And the world.

I told Him about ALL of it. And the tears came. And I felt really sorry for myself.

Then I felt mad I was feeling so sorry for myself.

But then…

As I walked and talked and cried, God cast long shadows through the golden light spreading across the dry grass and the bare tree branches against the early evening sky. He pulled my eyes up to the snow-covered mountains. He played all my favorites songs on Pandora. And He held me so very gently.

(God is always unbelievably tender with my fragile heart)

And in that moment, I felt Him press in all around me.

‘But honey. We’ve been here before, haven’t we? Remember?? You don’t have a single thing to prove. You are precisely where you are supposed to be. You have every single thing you need. And you are exactly enough. Right now. Just as you are. Remember, sweetheart? You don’t have to strive. Ever. Because remember, My darling? You are Mine.’

So, I walked back home and put the fish sticks into the oven.