Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Boring Old Ordinary

Boring Old Ordinary

I suppose to some people ORDINARY seems boring.

Plain. Less than. Mediocre. Blah.

Certainly, we should be striving for MORE!!

But have you ever really looked around??

At the world? At people? At life??

Have you ever noticed how most people are just Ordinary People doing Ordinary Things?

The mom pushing her shopping cart around the store while shushing her squishy baby in the front with some Cheerios.

That little old man watering the lawn in his black socks and sandals.

Two friends still in their sweaty yoga clothes from the morning, laughing over lunch and grateful for a few hours away with a dear friend.

Our garbage man who ALWAYS stops to wave at my kids when they run to the front steps at the sound of his noisy truck.

Construction workers. Teachers. The checker at the grocery store. Mommas picking kids up from school in dented minivans. Coaches. Police officers. The neighbor couple across the street navigating retirement. Our growing family gathered around the dinner table on Sunday nights.

So many elements are the same…work and play and marriage and relationships and laughter and pain and loss and trying to make ends meet…even as we all live out a completely different story.

Life is ordinary mostly. But isn’t it beautiful??

This life??

And isn’t it exactly in those very ordinary, everyday moments that a truly extraordinary life exists??

To me, that’s where we really LIVE this lovely little thing called life.


Soak It In

Soak It In

Heart To Heart

Heart To Heart