Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

God is Big

God is Big

For a loooong time, prayer was my last resort. 

I didn't want to bother God.

I figured He had bigger problems to tend to. Right???

I believed if I could go it alone, I probably should. And leave God free to take care of orphans and death and chronic illness and homelessness and broken marriages and war and terrorism.

You know. All the REAL problems of the world.

So, I attempted to carry everything on my own. Alone.

It was a lonely life. An anxiety-ridden life. A difficult life.

A life devoid of peace, abundance, and joy.

Eventually I broke.

I couldn't carry it all (obviously).

And when I surrendered. When I handed it over.

Here's what I figured out...

God is BIG.

Really BIG!!!

He built mountains and filled the oceans with all those weird fish species. He designed sex and tacos and that intoxicating smell from the top of a newborn's head.

ALL of it. Every little detail.

For God, one day is like a thousand years.

You guys, He has time!!!

All the time in the world.

For me. For her. For you.

So now I bring it ALL to Him. 


Sometimes before I even get out of bed.

The good. The hard. The trivial. The monumental.

And I'm telling you, even when my circumstances are still hard (because LIFE is just hard)...

I have learned true abundance and JOY.

Are you struggling today???

Give it to Him.

He can carry it ALL 

How Will it Define You??

How Will it Define You??

I'm Raising Change

I'm Raising Change