Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

Do We Remember to Enjoy It?

Do We Remember to Enjoy It?

We feed them and fold laundry.

We sign planners and drive them to after-school activities.

We engineer chore charts and organize elaborate systems.

We worry.

We take them to church.

We pray for them.

We tuck them in with books and yet another drink of water.

As moms, we try to do ALL THE THINGS.

And we hope it is enough.

We want to do this RIGHT!!

But mommas???

I wonder sometimes if we are forgetting the most important thing…

Do we remember to enjoy it???

Do we remember to DELIGHT in our children???

Sure, all that stuff is important.


And good.

But I’m guessing more than all that other stuff, our children feel the most loved when we put aside the expectations to mother them perfectly and simply DELIGHT in their presence.

Today, may we DELIGHT in this gift of being their mom.

Best Parenting Hack Ever

Best Parenting Hack Ever

Parenting a Teenager Feels Multiplied 10X

Parenting a Teenager Feels Multiplied 10X