Mikala Albertson MD

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Your Kids Don't Need a Super Mom

Your kids don’t need a Super Mom.

They need a human mom.

Your kids need a mom who wakes and stifles a sigh as she whispers a small prayer then shuffles to the kitchen to make breakfast. Again.

A mom who cleans up and reads books and kisses boo boos and makes interested facial expressions at reaaaaalllly long stories and runs along behind bikes on a walk.

Your kids need a mom who holds her hands over her mouth sometimes as she watches the news or cries during sappy commercials with babies or just the right song.

A mom who dances in the kitchen while lip-singing with a wooden spoon.

A mom who loses her temper and accidentally slips out a few choice words. Again.

A mom who realizes when she messed up. Big. And apologizes for perhaps the millionth time.

A mom who forgives everyone. Easily.

And a mom who offers plenty of grace for HERSELF, too.

Your kids need a mom who spends an hour making Reese’s peanut butter pie and holds it up for everyone so proudly…‘Isn’t it pretty?’

But then laughs until she cries when she realizes she forgot to BAKE the crust!!


Your kids don’t need a Super Mom.

They need a human mom.

Your kids need a mom who laughs and cries and yells and dances and forgives and prays and hugs and loves. And LIVES!!

A mom who appreciates every single day of this sad hard lonely lovely spectacular ordinary life.

Just the way it is.

Just the way she is.

Because, yes.

I know.

Your kids are pretty super.

But they are mostly human, too.

And they just want to live this life with YOU.

Together. As humans.