Mikala Albertson MD

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Overwhelmed? Seek Him.

I am overwhelmed.


I keep thinking I’ll get a handle on it all.

The kids, the house, our calendar, the laundry, my work, our new kitty, our wild dog, my weight, all those emails, my never-ending To Do list.

Maybe THIS week I’ll get a handle on it all…

But I never do.

There is always just one more thing. One more email. One more circle to make. Here and there and back again. One more box to check.

And I am easily overwhelmed.

What do I do next?? How can I do it all?? What is the point???

Well, yesterday it brought me to tears.

Then the faintest little whisper hit my heart…'I am the way.'

And suddenly I remembered.

I don’t have to do it ALL. Not really.

I only have to seek Him.

I just need Him!

And when I seek Him in ALL of it…the kids, the house, our calendar, the laundry, my work…then I won’t be so overwhelmed.

I can be grateful. Mostly.

Because all this hustle and bustle? And all this stuff to DO?

It means I’m really living this good, hard, ordinary life.

My one precious, beautiful life!

And every day instead of feeling overwhelmed, I can CHOOSE to be grateful for all of it (or as much as I can).

I can move down the list one thing at a time.

Just the next right thing!

And always, always seek HIM.

For He is the way.