Mikala Albertson MD

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My Real TO DO List

I didn’t get much ‘done’ today.

My TO DO list is even longer now because I remembered a few things to add throughout the day.

My house is a mess, we have an ant problem in the kitchen, and I can’t even talk about the laundry.

But I DID play an hour of play-doh.

I DID watch my little people build a couch cushion fort in the living room.

I DID say yes to my four-year-old making her OWN hot chocolate at lunch time (and I’m pretty sure I’ve nailed down the cause of our ongoing ant problem).

I DID pick my big kids up from school and we cheered because, “It’s Fridaaaay!!!”

I DID grab a couple of pizzas for dinner and serve it up on paper plates so I don’t have to do any more dishes.

And you know what???

I think it was a pretty full day!

A good day.

A success.

My TO DO list pales in comparison to what I’ve really been asked to do, what I was sent for…

To live and love and praise and notice and be grateful.

And right now, that looks like play-doh and pillow forts and pizza and caring for the little people in my house as they grow.

LOVE is the most important job I’ve ever been given…

Love is my life as MOM.