Mikala Albertson MD

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Motherhood is in the Details

Motherhood is in the details.

It’s knowing what time I need to roll sleepy kids out of bed to get to school and who wants mayonnaise on their sandwiches and the exact location of those lost shoes every single time.

It’s keeping track of picture day and our turn to have the class hamster and which Saturday we are supposed to bring soccer treats.

It’s remembering favorite colors and favorite meals and shoe sizes and the name of every stuffed animal on my daughter’s bed.

It’s knowing when they’re due for eye exams and dental appointments and making sure everyone is up to date on immunizations.

It’s playing the part of Santa and the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy and baking each kid a birthday cake for our traditional white stand.

It’s switching laundry (even if it’s never going to be folded) and engineering High/Low at dinnertime (even if it’s pizza…again) and making my face appear interested in their latest Fortnite feat or ALL the details of yet another ‘weirdest dream.’

It’s cheering at soccer games and basketball tournaments and listening to little voices read books before bed.

It’s remembering to ask, “How was your math test today?” or “Is your foot feeling any better?” or noticing when to say, “Hey, you seem quiet. Do you want to talk about it?”

It’s pushing on the swings or agreeing to that millionth hand of UNO and memorizing their little freckled faces and dimpled smiles or knowing what we need to grab from the store for dinner tonight.

Motherhood is in the details.

And there are SO MANY DETAILS!!! Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in it all. Sometimes I feel unappreciated. Invisible even. Does anyone even realize how it would all fall apart if I weren’t here?? If I weren’t paying attention??

But the truth is, keeping track of the ordinary little details of this family is the greatest privilege of my life. And if the tiny details of childhood matter to them, then they matter so much to me because that’s how they feel secure and loved.

Motherhood means I get to be the face of LOVE.

So, when they head off to school with full tummies and clean uniforms or open up a lunchbox of healthy food or run out to the car at the end of the school day…I’m right there.

And when they scan the stands looking for my face after a three-point shot or come bursting through the door with another excited story to tell or need a safe place to fall at the end of the day…

I’ll be there too.

Soaking it all in.

Right down to the smallest detail.