Mikala Albertson MD

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LOVE is the Only Thing

I hate confrontation more than you can possibly believe.

I prefer to keep my feet planted on both sides of the fence in any given situation, thank you very much!!

And there are a million parts of the bible I can't even begin to understand let alone apply to real, messy, hard, modern-day life.

But, Jesus.

He was pretty clear on how we are supposed to treat people. Even especially the ones 'different' than me.

(Because how convenient is it that I'm a white, straight, married, middle class mom of 5 with a doctorate degree who was raised in a Catholic home with two parents??)

He was pretty clear on our goal here on earth...


Love Him.

Love others.

So, I'm going to do my very best to do THAT. To listen. And serve. And help. And learn. And grow. And love.

(Even if half the time I get it all wrong.)

And I'm going to focus REALLY HARD on the ridiculous number of planks in my own eyes before I even begin to think about the slivers in others'.

I am just SO TIRED. Of the world. Of people. Of self-righteousness. Of hate.

I doubt we'll ever get it all figured out.

But this is where I'm at today...

I choose LOVE.