Mikala Albertson MD

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Life is Abundant

I ran eight miles this morning.

I needed to run.

Because when I woke up, for about three seconds…I forgot.

Then reality crashed in.

Oh yeah. That’s right.


No mass today. We’re just home. Again. And the numbers are mounting.

Suddenly the weight of the world crashed in all at once.

Anger. Sadness. Bitterness. Fear.

I pushed myself out of bed. Made the kids some breakfast. Fed the cat. Got everyone started on their chores.

And still. Those feelings wouldn’t go away.

So, I put on my running gear. And headed out.

I needed to RUN.

I needed a place to move my body.

Healthy and strong.

I needed a place to whisper my prayers.

For my family. For my husband working 16-hour days at the hospital. For my neighbor working directly with COVID patients. For my parents. For my friend with a child with chronic illness. For another friend mourning someone already. For yet another friend whose husband has a cough this morning.

I needed a place to ask all my why-s. And how-s.

How God?? How are we supposed to do this??

I needed to RUN!!!


I ran.

And the music played.

The sun warmed my face.

The mountains stood snow-peaked in all their majesty.

And the earth turned to Spring before my eyes.

Even in all my anger and sadness and bitterness and fear, I couldn’t help noticing how beautiful it is.

I passed a couple walking their dog.

I waved to two kids on bikes, their mom following quickly behind.

I heard laughter from a backyard.

I smelled bacon through open windows.

I smiled at a daddy chasing his toddler in her Snow White costume. Both laughing. The momma with the sweetest little bundle on her chest lagging behind.

It’s the strangest thing, isn’t it??

Life is filled with uncertainty.

And loss.


And fear.

Yet somehow…

Right in the middle of it all, there is beauty too.

I think that’s the abundance promised to us, you guys.

Anger. Sadness. Bitterness. Fear.

Goodness. Happiness. Love.


So, let’s feel ALL our feelings.

Let’s bring EVERYTHING to God.

Let’s remember to pray for one another.


And help.

Let’s keep moving our feet.

Run if we need to!

Then let’s open our eyes WIDE…

To take in the unbelievable beauty of this life.

It’s there.


Life is abundant.

And beautiful.

‘I have told you these things, so that in me you many have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ John 16: 33