Mikala Albertson MD

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Lessons From Virtual Learning

Lessons From Another Week of Virtual Learning:

1. I will second-guess my decision for virtual learning approximately 40X a day.

2. I will continue my love/hate relationship with technology. One minute I might marvel at clicking through assignments and uploading homework and zipping it off to the teacher with one click. The next minute a video JUST WON’T LOAD and I’ll be so frustrated I want to cry. Sometimes it will take every ounce of energy NOT to throw my laptop on the floor. Extra patience is required.

3. This school year doesn’t look anything like we hoped it would, and my children’s teachers are doing the very best job they can!!!

4. With 5 kids and 4 different grade levels and 14 total teachers and 3 laptops and approximately 72 million emails and log-ins and passwords, something is bound to be missed. That’s okay. Extra patience is required.

5. It is impossible to facilitate virtual learning, keep an impeccable house, exercise regularly, keep up on laundry, cook delicious and nutritious meals, get everyone to soccer practice on time, AND keep any level of sanity. Something will have to go. Expectations will have to be lowered. And...extra patience will be required.

6. This school year doesn’t look anything like we hoped it would, and I am doing the very best job I can!!!

7. Video games at our house are reserved for the weekends, except for a random Thursday afternoon when I just want to be left alone for 30 minutes of peace and quiet. Then video games can be ‘earned’ by doing extra chores. (You guys, clean house. Five kids on video games. Peace and quiet. This one is just genius)

8. Some days when the work is complete, I will sit in the shade watching my kids take turns cannonballing off the swings into our little plastic baby pool, and I’ll be so grateful I want to cry.

9. This school year doesn’t look anything like we hoped it would, but my children are learning. I am learning. And we are ALL doing the very best job we can!!!

10. Extra patience will ALWAYS be required.