Mikala Albertson MD

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It's Book Release Day!!!

My new book isn’t a How-To book.

In fact, you might find my story to be a mostly How-NOT-To guide to life.

But I hope you’ll see it as an invitation to stop pretending. And be you. Listen.

Can we tuck fear aside and unpack our truths for others to see?

Can we stop trying to carry our brokenness and pain alone and dare to ask for help?

Can we show up not as our best-appearing selves but as our truest selves?

Can we remember to pray every single day for guidance and love and support?

Can we hand our backbreaking load over to Jesus and put on His yoke instead? After all, His “burden is light.”

Can we silence that critical inner voice and believe we are imperfectly perfect enough?

Can we realize that “perfect” is pretend after all?

You see, every day we have a choice. We can either spend our days on this earth striving for more and pretending to be perfect, hiding all our flaws and imperfections, and never really connecting or feeling seen, or we can choose to be real. Then, with open arms and true love and authentic connection, maybe we can finally discover the incredible gift of a startlingly ordinary


And I choose ordinary. What about you?

Won’t you grab my hand? Let’s decide to live and breathe and work and love wherever God has placed us. And let’s share our one precious, beautiful, ordinary life . . . together. I’ll be me. You be you.

Let’s be ordinary. On purpose.