Mikala Albertson MD

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I LOVE To Write!

There were only two faces in the crowd at my book reading (who weren’t friends I’d brought along with me), and I wanted to feel disappointed.

But mostly, I felt proud and grateful.

I am a writer.

It’s the first time in my life I’ve done something just for me. Just...because. It’s the first time in my life I’ve done something not because I should do it, but because I want to.

Writing is a gift I’ve been waiting to unwrap my entire life. It lights me up and fills my heart and brings me so much joy! Even if no one else ever reads it or likes it or shares it.

Did you realize we can do that?

We can write or paint or dance or sing or garden or bake not because we’ll make a ton of money. Not because we have all this extra time on our hands. Not because anyone ever asked us to. Not because we should. We can create for no other reason than we want to—just for the love of it. Because God gifted us with particular talents and interests. Because it fills our hearts and brings us joy. Because it makes us feel ALIVE! And He truly delights when we listen to His nudges and feed our unique passions.

I write because it reminds me, I’m a whole person outside of being a wife and a mom and a doctor and a daughter and a sister and a friend. I’m a me.

And I love to write!

Now, how about you?? How do you love to create??