Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

I Hope You Know Me

I Hope You Know Me

One day it will all be stripped away.

The ways I define myself.

Mother. Wife. Doctor. Writer. Sister. Daughter. Friend.

All those sticky labels will be picked and peeled away.

My awards and accomplishments will vanish.

All the things I’ve so carefully and painstakingly added to my life’s resume to prove I am ‘good’ will be erased. Gone in an instant.

And one day I’ll stand there completely alone.


Stripped even of my earthly body. My face. The dimple in my right cheek. My hazel eyes.

Perhaps just a shimmering image of my soul holding my heart in my shimmering hands.

And I wonder if He’ll still recognize me??

Will He recognize me right away because of who I am…in Him???

If the only way to tell who I am, my truest self, is to crack open my now-exposed heart to see what is inside…will the Fruits of the Spirit come pouring out?

Will He see my goodness and kindness and faithfulness?

Will He see my love and joy and peace and patience?

Without all my labels and titles and accomplishments to prove WHO I am…will He know me???

Will His face light up with a smile as He proclaims, “Oh yes, my daughter!! There you are!! Of course, sweetheart. I’ve been waiting…now, where were we?? I think you were just telling Me something about your son??”

Or will He simply stare.

Squint His eyes.

Then turn away as He mumbles, “I never knew you.”

Oh, my Lord, I hope You KNOW me.

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