Mikala Albertson MD

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I Have Everything I Need...For Today

One day I can be on top of the world. Happy. Peaceful. Killing it at motherhood. Getting along well with my husband. Remembering my sister’s birthday. Knowing what I’m going to make for dinner. Laughing and talking to a friend. Life is good!!!

The very next day I might have trouble rolling out of bed. Sad. Lonely. Overwhelmed. Barking at my kids. Bickering with my husband. Barely able to keep up with the day-to-day tasks.

And isn’t it frustrating? How can I feel one way one day and completely the opposite on the next? Will I ever get life figured out?

Here’s what I’m learning…

I need to pray.

Good or bad. Up or down. Soaring or falling.

He is there.

He is with me. And IN me, even.

I pray.

And He whispers gently, “Don’t worry sweetheart. I’m right here. And you have everything you need for today.”