Mikala Albertson MD

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Hope in Small Moments

While we all quietly hold our breath just a little, waiting to see what happens next and wondering exactly what to DO with the weight of the world…

Let’s find hope in the smallest moments.

A basket of fresh, clean laundry.

Warm dinner and fabulous, mouth-watering smells filling the kitchen.

Maybe an unexpected phone call with a familiar voice of love on the other end.

Our children having giggle fits before bed.

Life happens in the ordinary, mostly.

And though the pain of life guts us at times, we can seek joy in those ordinary moments.

We can go to work.

Make dinner.

Water the garden.

Deliver a meal.

Tuck kids into bed.

And pray, pray, pray without ceasing.

We can put our faith in the tiniest, realest, most human moments.

And remember to just love LIVING as much as we can while we’re here.