Mikala Albertson MD

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A Teenage Boy Will ALWAYS Need His Mom

Sometimes my teenager’s 6ft-tall stature and deep voice and shadow of a mustache and size 13 shoes trick me into thinking he might not need me so much anymore. But the truth is…I’m his mom.

And it might look a little different now, but he still needs me in so many ways!!

HE STILL NEEDS ME to listen to his stories about school or friends or basketball or some ridiculous meme. Because even if I don’t completely understand, I will always find the things he loves to be important.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to look up whenever he walks in the house and let my face light up with a smile. Because no matter how old he grows, I will always be happy to see him.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to ask about his day. “How was school? How did practice go? Oh really!? I can’t believe that!! He said what?!” Because he won’t know he can open up to his mom unless I give him the opportunity…and with me, he will always have the opportunity.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to coddle him every once in a while. Fold his clothes. Unload the dishwasher. Dish up his food with a glass of milk after a long day. Sure, it’s important he know how to do these tasks on his own. And he does! But sometimes he needs to have his mom take care of him, too.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to set limits and pay attention to what he’s watching on YouTube and monitor his social media accounts and get to know his friends and check to see if a parent will be there and enforce consequences. Because he may look and sound like a grown man, but he’s not even close to being a grown man.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to give him grace when he inevitably falters without totally losing my head. Because my main job is to love and encourage and say with the utmost confidence, “I’ll know you’ll get it. I believe in you!”

HE STILL NEEDS ME to show up to every single game and cheer my heart out so when he looks up to the stands, it will be my face he sees. Because I will always be his biggest fan.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to give him a hug and kiss before he hoists that long lanky body up to the top bunk. Because no matter how tall he grows or how big his shoes, he will always be my little boy.

HE STILL NEEDS ME to pray for him every single day. Constantly. Because when he is grown and gone, I hope to have raised a good and Godly man who KNOWS just how loved he is by a Savior.

AND HE STILL NEEDS ME to LOVE him. Forever. No matter what. Because even as everything changes, there is one thing that will never change…

I will ALWAYS be his mom!