Hey there! I’m Mikala—a family doctor, wife, mother of 5, well-being advocate, and author of the books Ordinary on Purpose and Everything I Wish I Could Tell You About Midlife. Each month my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

HE is the Way and the Truth and the Light

HE is the Way and the Truth and the Light

Maybe you’ve been on the wrong side of a thing.

Maybe you’ve been blissfully unaware.

Or maybe you’ve known for a while it felt wrong, but you believed there was always something more pressing to do.

Maybe now you’ve taken a few steps onto the right side of a thing.

Just a few small steps.

And you’ve stopped there. Hoping it would be enough.

Clutching your excuses and reassurances in your hands for proof. Like a sword and shield prepared to defend yourself.


Maybe now is the time to lay them down.

I know it probably scares you a little.

You’ll look back over at the other side.

The easy.

The comfortable.

The familiar.

The known.

And you’ll recognize all those faces over there.

They’ll smile.

They might even recite a few Bible verses your way.

But maybe in an act of bravery, you’ll keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and decide to lay your defenses down.

Can’t you see you’ve been gripping them so tightly that your palms are bleeding???

And now maybe you’ll stand completely bare for a while.

Letting the pain and stories and sadness and Truth pelt your body until eventually you’ll fall on two scraped and bloodied knees.

Doesn’t it look a little different from this viewpoint???

Can’t you see all the ugly versions of ‘truth’ in the world? Each slightly twisted and skewed?

It hurts. I know.

Pain always comes before healing.

But now maybe as you attempt to stand on those shaky legs…

You’ll feel Someone take your hand, and it will feel more familiar than you can possibly describe.

Like Someone you’ve ALWAYS known.

And He doesn’t care that your palms are bleeding.

(His are bleeding, too.)

Maybe when He smiles down at you, you’ll realize you always assumed He had perfectly white teeth. Like in the painting on the wall at your mother-in-law’s house.

But His imperfect smile against His brown leathery skin makes you feel safe.

And held.

And loved.

And brave.

So maybe when He nods His head a little further on toward the right side of a thing…

You’ll be ready.

Yes. He understands you can’t see where you’re going.

He knows it feels scary.

It’s terrifying to leave the familiar!

But He waits.

He stands right there beside you.

Holding your hand securely in His.

Patiently waiting for you to take the first step.

And maybe…

Just maybe.

You’ll realize for the very first time.

HE is the way and the truth and the light.

The one and only version.

So, with a pounding heart…

You’ll know. KNOW.

You will follow Him anywhere.

Be YOU, Sweetheart

Be YOU, Sweetheart

This Summer is Different

This Summer is Different